3D Printing Troubleshooting Guide

3D Printing Troubleshooting Guide


Not extruding at the start of the print

Example Image / Graphic


Issue Details

Print grooves left in bed with no filament and/or flaky or intermittent lines of filament on the first and subsequent layers

Cause 1

Incorrect extruder calibration/offset

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Prime extruder

  2. Adjust nozzle height

  3. Adjust first layer height

  4. Adjust filament extrusion width

  5. Babysteping; Z offset

Cause 2

Clogged extruder/nozzle

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Hobbed gear

  2. Clear nozzle


Print not sticking to bed

Example Image / Graphic


Issue Details

Insufficient bed adhesion

Cause 1

Bed is not level

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Level bed

  2. Reduce print speed (first layer speed)

Cause 2

Incorrect nozzle calibration/offset

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Adjust nozzle height

  2. Adjust first layer height (Use baby-stepping to ensure proper first layer height)

Cause 3

Improper bed surface or settings for filament

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Change bed surface (glass/tape/BuildTak)

  2. Use adhesives (tape/glue/hairspray)

  3. Adjust bed temperature (for some materials)

  4. Adjust extrusion temperature

  5. Pro Tip - Use raft and brim


Jammed nozzle/clogged extruder

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Extruder is unable to feed filament through nozzle and is often accompanied by a grinding or “clicking” sound from the feed motor

Cause 1

Heat creep for PLA

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Manually push filament through extruder

  2. Reload filament

  3. Cool extruder and reheat

Cause 2

Particle or carbonized filament blocking nozzle

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Clear with small diameter needle, e.g. acupuncture needle

  2. Nylon cold pull

  3. Disassemble extruder and nozzle

  4. http://forums.matterhackers.com/topic/39/unclogging-nozzles


Pillowing, e.g. incomplete top layer fills, top layer holes/gaps

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Pillowing is usually PLA filament specific

Cause 1

Layer cooling too fast for PLA

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Increase the number of top layers

  2. Increase infill density

  3. Lower speed for solid top layers


Smashed first layer, aka elephant’s foot; bulging first layer

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Side profile of the printed part shows a bow near the bottom or next to the surface that was adjacent to the print bed

Cause 1

Bed is not level

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Level bed

Cause 2

First layer height is too low

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Increase first layer height

  2. Balance height adjustment with first layer quality

Cause 3

Extrusion rate for the first layer is greater than 100>#/p###

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Adjust first layer extrusion rate

  2. Pro Tip - Design a chamfer into the part


Warping or corner lifting

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Edge near the bottom of the print or surface adjacent to the print bed is not level or flat

Cause 1

Materials, e.g. ABS and Nylon may shrink upon cooling and/or curing

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Level bed

  2. Use glues/adhesives on borosilicate glass

  3. For ABS, use BuildTak, WolfBite, or ABS “juice”

  4. Use baby-stepping to ensure proper first layer height

  5. Pro Tip - Use Enclosure for environmental control

  6. Pro Tip - Keep printer away from air vents

Cause 2

Design of part has sharp corners or thin areas

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Level bed

  2. Use baby-stepping to ensure proper first layer height

  3. Design “lily pads” for suspected problem areas and integrate into the model


Layer separation or warping within the part

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Layers do not adhere to previously printed layers and pulls from print bed

Cause 1

Print temperature is set too low

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Adjust print temperature higher

Cause 2

Too much layer cooling during and after deposition

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Disable layer cooling

Cause 3

Ambient air temperature is too cold and uneven

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Use an enclosure, e.g. cardboard box or shower curtain to control environment

Cause 4

Printer is printing too fast

Suggested Solutions 4

  1. Decrease print speed


Shifted layers or leaning prints

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Layers shift in the z-direction as print progresses

Cause 1

Printer is printing too fast

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Lower printing speed

Cause 2

There are loose pulleys on the x-axis and/or y-axis

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Make sure there is no “play” in the pulleys and tighten

  2. Check to see if there is friction on the pulleys and adjust

  3. http://forums.matterhackers.com/topic/76/how-to-fix-shifting-layers

Cause 3

Belts are skipping teeth on the x-axis and/or y-axis

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Check for friction along the entire axis

  2. Check that belts are tight and adjust tension screw

  3. http://forums.matterhackers.com/topic/76/how-to-fix-shifting-layers


Stringing / hairy prints

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Filament in the hot end of the extruder continues to ooze out of the nozzle during non-print moves

Cause 1

Slow extruder movement between sections of a part or more than one part

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Retraction calibration

  2. Increase extruder speed on non-printing movements

  3. Retraction: Just say "No" to oozing

  4. Retraction Cubes download

Cause 2

Length of filament retraction is too short

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Retraction calibration

  2. Increase length of filament retraction

  3. Retraction: Just say "No" to oozing

  4. Retraction Cubes download

Cause 3

You are printing with PET

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Use dry filament

  2. Adjust extruder temperature

Cause 4

Printer crosses gaps when moving from one place to another

Suggested Solutions 4

  1. Turn on avoid crossing perimeters


Overhangs or sagging sections in the print

Example Image / Graphic


Issue Details

Unsupported or protruding part faces may not print properly or not print at all

Cause 1

Design of model or positioning of part

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Add supports

  2. Reduce layer heights

  3. Slow speed

  4. Reposition model for better printing

  5. Keep overhangs typically at a 45 degree angle or less


Support material difficult to remove

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Removing supports is difficult due to fused support material with the initial part layers and often results in pitted initial layers once supports are removed

Cause 1

No gap or layer height offset between support layer and initial part layer

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Increase air gap

  2. Increase the pattern spacing

  3. Decrease the support percentage

  4. Turn off create perimeter


Under extrusion, e.g. not extruding enough plastic or insufficient material

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Under extrusion is identified by “silky” residue or gaps between extrusion lines or layers

Cause 1

Printer settings for filament size is incorrect

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Measure filament diameter

    1. Change filament extrusion multiplier to compensate on the fly

    2. Some machines require 2.85 mm filament instead of 3.00 mm filament (Airwolf, Ultimaker).

Cause 2

Filament extrusion temperature is too low

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Increase extruder temperature

Cause 3

Nozzle or extruder may be clogged or not properly calibrated

Suggested Solutions 3

  1. Check that the filament path is clear

  2. Clear nozzle and/or extruder

  3. Calibrate your extruder

    1. Calibrating a Makerbot


Grinding filament and/or extruder motor skipping

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Noise from the feed motor makes a grinding or clicking sound

Cause 1

Heat creep from the extruder that creates a “bulb” at the end of the filament between the gear and the extruder

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Check that filament is extruding

  2. Increase extruder temperature

  3. Clear nozzle jam

  4. Check extruder motor and hobbed gear for filament residue


Z-wobble or lines on the side of the print

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Most often a mechanical issue due to poorly fabricated, loosely fitted/assembled and/or worn components; Check extrusion speed first

Cause 1

Check for loose or damaged mechanical components

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Check Z axis for foreign matter or slop

  2. Tighten belts on the x and y axes

Cause 2

Replace or reprint faulty components

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Replace screw(s), ballscrew(s)

  2. Visualization of threaded rod

  3. Pro Tip: Conduct laser pen test


Small features not printed

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details


Cause 1


Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Slicing threshold for detection related to nozzle diameter


Scars on top surface

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Filament residue is “leaked” upon the top of the print surface

Cause 1

Lack of z-lift or retraction between moves

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Increase z- lift


Blobs and/or pimples on exterior surface

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details


Cause 1


Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Clean nozzle

  2. Check connection (USB)

  3. Pauses, try printing from SD


Weak infill

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details


Cause 1


Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Change infill pattern

  2. Lower print speed

  3. Increase infill extrusion width


Stops extruding in the middle of a print

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details


Cause 1


Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Out of filament

  2. Filament tangle before extruder

  3. Stripped filament

  4. Nozzle jam

  5. Heat creep


Infill showing on exterior of print

Example Image / Graphic

Issue Details

Infill structure is visible on the top, bottom or sides of a printed part

Cause 1

Infill shows on top or bottom surfaces due to insufficient number of top/solid bottom layers or wrong layer speeds

Suggested Solutions 1

  1. Increase number of surface layers

  2. Decrease top solid infill speed

Cause 2

Infill shows on side surfaces due to insufficient number of perimeters or too much infill overlap

Suggested Solutions 2

  1. Increase number of perimeters

  2. Decrease infill overlap

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