Tutorial Fusion 360: Everyday Items Wall Mounted Tooth Brush holder Unit 1

Full Doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zuJwAskVz2rSTMwhqffzlvzt8if5CYq2/view?usp=sharing


Today we will be making a modern take on a tooth brush holder based on this design using the sketch tool bar, renaming items and editing sketches to change objects we have placed already in a scene.

To modernize it a bit we will be making it squarer and removing the reduction in the back this will make it easier to mount as well.

To Start with the base of our tooth Brush holder from front view is as followed.

101.60MM Wide 41.275MM Tall and 63.50MM from front side to back

To draw these out, we will start by our top view making a square to these dimensions.

Start each drawing from the 0.0 

This will ensure my drawing position match when I go to extrude. 

Top Down view

Front View

Now that we have the base walls drawn out it’s time we start working out our details from our reference drawing. For here we will want to sub divide our drawing and include the holes for the tooth brushes to sit.

Double click on the text part of your sketch menu and change them so they correctly indicate what they are. When you click the text twice you will be able to rename them like this.

Select your Top View.

Before we do anything else lets extrude our model’s base form from the top view. Extrude this selection out 20MM

Once you’ve done this you’ll notice the light goes off and your layer disappears you’ll need to turn this back on to see it again.

Sketch Icon

 Now we are going to edit the object we created without cutting it using the history to edit the existing sketch and the piece we extruded out. Double click on the Icon for the “Top View” sketch and you’ll go back into line edit mode and the object you drew will disappear.

Now we will do some creation first we need to define where the holes for our tooth brushes will be. For mine I’ll be going 1/3 up or 20MM from the center of the bottom line.

After drawing this line go ahead and make two lines one from each side going 90degrees each way till they touch the sides of the box.

After draw two more lines from the center of these two lines and you’ll have your box subdivided into four sections and ready for the next step.

At each line you will need to create a 5MM offset this will give you the internal boxes roughed out for our holes. It will be messy but don’t worry we will clean it up, you can access the offset command by pressing O on the keyboard make sure to flip all your lines to the correct facing if you do this right you’ll end up with this.

Now we need to clean this up, using the Trim command or T we will delete every line we don’t need.

To give you a pattern I’m going to show you what lines to keep. All of your original lines will be deleted the rest you will need to use the trim command.

This is what it will look like with your original lines removed.

Further cleaning it up you will have this.

Now that we have our lines set go ahead and click stop sketch to see what you just did to the shape. If your holes don’t show though your model just go ahead and delete them but note that we aren’t done cleaning them up and a little more sketch work is required.

Back into sketch edit we are going to clean up our lines with some tapers, this can be done in model mode using the fillet (Q) command but for the sake of this tutorial we will do it in 2d.

Under Sketch go ahead and select the Fillet Command

With Fillet command active you have two ways to draw a curved line. If you go near a corner like this a red line will appear.

If this method is used an arrow with a value will appear after allowing for manual adjustments. 

This line indicates the amount of curve your line will have if you wish to create a custom value however you will need to select both lines, and then a curve with an arrow and a value box will appear.

This method will allow you to keep drawing fillets without clicking the button again

We are going to apply this 2.5MM fillet to all our squares for our tooth brushes holes then hit enter to stop. Starting the Fillet command again we are going to add fillets to the front corners. Right clicking your mouse will pull up a menu allowing you to select the last command used to quickly preform the action again.

This menu contains a number of commands but we just want to repeat Fillet.





Create a 5MM fillet on the corners and you’ll have this then select stop sketch.

When you do you should notice your 3d object now reflects all the changes you just made.

This concludes part 1. We will finish this project in Unit 2.