Tutorial Adobe Illustrator: Creating a SVG file With Illustrator

Full Doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qs79oPeqifcGrSHAydOBT07UBx-BUZ90/view?usp=sharing

Creating an SVG using Adobe Illustrator for extrusion modelling in Fusion360 and other such tools

This Tutorial explains how to create quick graphics that can be exported as Vector Artwork for 3d modelling.

Firstly you will need an image, Black and White are best that is not to say grey scale but instead logos or other shapes note that text will not translate as well but can still be done depending on the size of your source image. 

For my Example we will be using a image search for clip art, when doing this remember that you are looking for solid lines not sketches and not artwork with too many shades it can be color but avoid anything too complex. 

A good example is something like this. 


Related image
Image result for clip art

Notice the clean and simple lines.

A bad example 

While you can use images like this you would need to do clean up to the image or in illustrator so for our purposes we are just going to do a basic one.

First open the image of your choosing in illustrator. Select your image at the top bar of your window you will see this. 

Click image Trace

Note that on the side of image trace is a drop down menu that allows you to choose from different options Often times the default will only give you a shadow of your image so it’s best to select a option like 3 color 

This will give you something like this, for my image I selected the Pumpkin keep in mind using these settings can also simplify your image from complex to something manageable. Black and white is also a good option but make sure you are using a JEPG as your source and not a PNG. With the black and white I can take an image like that Eagle that was considered bad and make it something I could extrude with only a bit of clean up. 

When you are done hit Expand. 

Clean up any artifacts such as details that won’t translate over into 3d, remove the white background as that will likely have been traced into an image as well. Select the white arrow direct selection tool. 

See the white here this would make a box of lines that we don’t need around our object.

Once you’ve done that go ahead and delete the color orange boxes those won’t show up either. In this we will be creating a great shape for a cookie cutter.

Once complete you’ll have a set of simple lines ready for saving off.

Hit save as and select SVG.

Once you are done you are ready to import to fusion or any other cad program and draw away.