Auto Bed Leveling - BLtouch

Auto Bed Leveling - BLtouch

Using the BLtouch

Some printers come with a BLtouch leveling probe attached in these cases the unit will use it to home it’s Z axis but to ensure correct leveling a start up script can used to probe the entire bed before print.

In Cura you can find this menu by means of the following.

Settings > Printers > Manage Printers >

Once in here click Machine Settings to entire into the start and end commands.


Your Start and end code may not look like this that is fine.

Scroll down on the Start G-code till you see a line that reads

G28 ; Home

Add the following line after

G29 ; Auto Bed Level

The End result should look like this

Once completed you can click close then you are ready to go.

From now on each time your printer goes to print it will “probe” the entire bed in a grid form and the end result will be that your printer will always level until the nozzle is changed or wears down over time.

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