Tutorial Fusion 360: The Spline Tool

Tutorial Fusion 360: The Spline Tool

Full Doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3rEhKRqT1tS_D-2JtHissDWfjDwTXDq/view?usp=sharing

The Spline Tool is a very useful tool for drawing complex curves to create fluid 2D or even 3D designs.

To use the Spline tool insure you are in the model Mode

The Spline tool can be found under the sketch menu two options

Screenshot 2018-09-29 19.03.50.jpg

The Fit Point Spline allows you to create a base point then a curve point adjusting as you create using the right click to further curve or bend the spline. 

As you draw each new point will create a green line the thin black line represents your current path in relation to your existing spline giving you a preview of what effects your next point will have on the splines previous points. The major difference between the two however comes when you finish your spline. 

The Control Point Spline is more straightforward each point creates a dashed line the green line is the spine itself but as each point is drawn the spline calculates a curve direction to connect it. This is ideal for taking a rough or ridiged sketch and turning it into something more fluid.

The End Break down

On the Left we have a Fit Point Spline on the right a Control Point Spline, with the fit point we have these extra green lines each with two points that can be moved dragged out and repositioned changing the splines curve and even placement on the page, this can be used to fine tune every part of your drawing, with Control points you can still move and reposition however the options are more limited to moving the straight lined pattern controlling the spline.

When you finish drawing your spline simply click on the check box near your last point to create and continue.

With each as with any Object line if the line is open it will appear white when closed it will to the standard light peach color, regardless of what spline or line is used to create it.

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