Tutorial Fusion 360: Making a Silicone Chocolate Mold

Tutorial Fusion 360: Making a Silicone Chocolate Mold

Full Doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1omi-KL12SWMdPHTbxMSOOUYQflBMTfyI/view?usp=sharing


Today we will be learning how to create a Silicone Chocolate Mold from a 3d Printed form

An SVG will be provided to ensure you can follow along exactly.

To start we will insert a SVG using the insert drop down menu > SVG.

Doing this will allow you to click a small folder icon to locate and place the SVG provided.

Find the Wonka Bar.SVG and select a direction to place the object on I went with top view.

After clicking the OK button the line drawing will be placed on your workspace.

Once done the lines should appear green with shaded internal shapes.

Moving on we can now start to create our mold. However to make this a reverse we need to think in two ways, the first is we going to refine the surface of our print or are we going to make a mold directly from the print? Depending on the two you may need to create an offset line around our box to do a direct silicone pour right off the print you’ll want to make an offset. First create an offset using the O key that is 10mm outside our shape. The reason for this will become clear later on. For now we will continue.

To start with we need to create some height for our bar. Candy bars are about .25” or 6.35MM thick and for us this is more than enough room. 

Clicking the first set of our bar we will start adding depth, we are going to model this as a positive part to create the mold later. So selecting the rim of the candy bar and the text will get us started.

First you want to zoom in a bit and fill your work space to your window start selecting your text holding shift will let you select everything at once.

Once you’ve done that hit E then type in 6.35MM or .25Inches.

Hitting Enter will turn off your sketch of the chocolate bar and extrude the model.

Now there are two ways we can do this the second is easier of the two. Leaving your sketch off go ahead and turn your model over. Draw a square using the two point rectangle tool around the perimeter of the box then do another 6.35 offset. Rotate your view to bottom Hit L to enter into your line tool click the bottom rim then select the Rectangle tool.

For the sake of size we are going to extrude these faces to 6. This will give us a 0.35 embossing.

To ensure you don’t cut make sure when you extrude that you have Operation Join selected. 

Once this is created that extra offset we made is going to be decreased in height to 2.5MM then we need to create a final offset. For the distance on this it will form the wall for our mold. Then we need to flip our mold over again. Hit O for offset clicking on the bottom and create an offset from the outside of 10MM, after that extrude this new offset 15 up.

Doing this forms a tub. The object you see here is what your chocolates bar would read like this lets you know the text is facing the correct direction. 

Print and then cast – because of our walls created on this we only need to pour in silicone to the top and let it cure, the resulting silicone mold will look like this.

If you want to spice up your mold a bit you can add a champer to the outer edge to give it a little extra form.

Resulting in your end product looking more like this.

Thank you for taking the time to follow along with this tutorial and happy modelling.

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