Mk8 Vs. Mk10: Which Nozzle Should You Be Using?

Mk8 Vs. Mk10: Which Nozzle Should You Be Using?

3D printing has completely changed how we create and produce products; it allows us to become more sustainable as advancements occur in this industry. There are now so many types of 3D printers and different nozzles you can use for those printers. Every nozzle will provide different features and designs, so you must understand which type can provide a specific outcome.


If you are looking to do smaller designs, an MK8 will work perfectly due to the smaller hole the product forms out of. The MK10 has a wider hole at the bottom, it will not be as accurate due to this, but it will provide bigger objects.


When you buy your 3D laser printer, you will want to learn as much as you can about the accessories you can invest in. This will help you create intricate objects at a faster speed. When you know which nozzle is best suited for your needs, it will change the way you create. You can learn more about the features and what each nozzle can provide for you. This is the ultimate guide to learn more about Mk8 and Mk10 nozzles.

What Nozzle Should You be Using?

If you are looking for something to create small fine details, you should always go for a smaller filament and thread. This will help you get the small details that would usually be incredibly hard for a larger thread.

If you are creating more massive objects, the Mk10 will be sufficient for you, but you will want to make sure it is compatible with your 3D printer.

Pros and Cons of an Mk8

There are a few pros and cons of using an Mk8 extruder or nozzle.


  • It is more precise than the Mk10

  • It is a higher quality

  • This nozzle is compatible with more printers

  • It is easy to clean while offline

  • It can create the most detailed jewelry


  • It is slower than the Mk10

  • There are fewer materials you can use with this nozzle

  • You may have to replace it more depending on the material you print with

  • There is a height limit

The Mk10 has some pretty amazing qualities that come in useful for printing; here is a list of pros and cons for them.


  • This nozzle can print heavier and thicker materials

  • It can print larger items

  • This nozzle can help speed up the process

  • It can use more materials to print, including the ones an Mk8 can

  • The filament will not get stuck in the nozzle


  • This nozzle cannot produce high quality, intricate designs

  • It is not compatible with many printers

There are pros and cons to both nozzles, but neither of them is a terrible choice.

When You Should Choose the Mk8

  • Fine Details. If you have an object printed that needs smaller and precise details, a small nozzle should always be printed.

  • This is perfect if you have a lot of time. Your object will turn out a little bit better and more accurate, but you will have to print for much longer than usual because of the small feed you will have. So, this is only good if you have patience and time.

  • If you are making art or jewelry, you should always opt for a small printer nozzle.

  • Height must not go over 80% of the nozzle. This means it needs to be a shorter object.

  • Suppose you are printing with something other than wood, glass, or metal. These have large particles that will clog the nozzle. So, if you are using some plastic, that is much better for a small nozzle.

Smaller nozzles are great for extreme detail in small objects of applications like textiles, jewelry, miniatures, or something that needs extra strength.

When to Choose the Mk10

Large nozzles may seem less superior than a small nozzle, but that is not true. They can handle much more materials and have some great benefits that you may want to utilize.

  • You can print much taller objects with a bigger nozzle, which is excellent if you make something over a certain height. This is great for tall figures and can be painted in or add detail after the initial printing.

  • Fast printing time because of the larger hole at the bottom. This allows more to come out at once but not in a precise manner. If you are in a rush to get something printed, this is a perfect choice.

  • Things built with a bigger nozzle are more challenging. They may not be as sturdy in structure, but they will not break easily. This can be a great benefit if you’re looking for something that will hold up over time.

  • If you plan on using glass, wood, or metal filament, this is a great option. You will still need to clean your nozzle after a print, but it will not get clogged in the process, which means you can watch it less.

  • This is perfect for anyone who doesn’t mind low print quality resolution.

If you are printing bigger objects that don’t need many fine details or trying to use metal, this is a perfect option for you.

What to Expect with the Mk8

Both of these nozzles have unique features that maybe suited for your project. They are both well-made and can be of use to you. Here are the specific features of an Mk8 nozzle, and who should use it.

  • Nozzle Shape- Makerbot created a totally new nozzle shape on the inside and outside of the printer. This can give you a unique look when compared to the other nozzles. It is also a tad bit smaller than the Mk10, which can be great for intricate designs and a specific look of objects. This nozzle also looks too pointed, unlike flatter versions.

  • Cooling Bar- This is a thicker cooling bar than previous versions, which is unnecessary for all people but could be useful when printing objects.

  • Dual Extruder- A great feature if you’re looking to use multiple materials and multiple colors at once. This isn’t on the top of everyone’s priority list when printing, but it will help you create objects that are uniquely yours.  

  • M6 Thread- This uses a smaller thread than the Mk10. Perfect for small details.

The best thing about Mk8 nozzles is they can work for many different 3D printers; they are very versatile. Especially if you are looking to use multiple colors or need sharper-looking objects that need something other than a flat nozzle.

What Printers Work with Mk8 Nozzles?

The best thing about these nozzles is that they are a great conductor of heat for various 3D printers, much more than the Mk10 nozzle.

  • Creality Ender 5

  • Creality CR-10 Mini

  • Makerbot Replicator 1

  • Numerous Rep 1 clones

  • Makerbot Replicator mini

  • BQ Witbox

  • Craftbot

The list is extensively long. The second-best thing about this nozzle is that it can be used for most desktop 3D printers too! This is the perfect versatile nozzle. Chances are if you buy this online, you will be able to use it, and you will not be disappointed.

What to Expect with the Mk10

The Mk10 is a new version of the previous versions and is a lot harder to buy online because they are not common. If you buy online, be sure to go to a reputable website, because you can accidentally order the wrong pieces quickly.

  • Hotend- This nozzle is not compatible with any previous models for hotends because the threads are a different size. So, you will need to buy the hotend and the nozzle to get the best outcome.

  • Mk9 Feeder- Pretty much everything about this nozzle is different, including that it uses Mk9 feeder parts.

  • M7- This nozzle uses M7 thread, unlike previous versions.

Though nozzles seem similar, there are differences in the size thread they use, creating different objects.

Now all nozzles will do what you need, but certain types may not work with your printer. The Mk10 is excellent but only for a select few printers that use 4mm PTFE tubes.

What Printers Work with Mk10 Nozzles?

A few types of 3D printers have 4mm PTFE tubes that will work for Mk10 nozzles. They are different printers from the printers that can work with Mk8 nozzles.

  • Cocoon Create 3D Printer

  • Wanhao Duplicator 4S

  • Qidi Tech

  • Monoprice Maker Select 3D Printer v2

  • FlashForge Dreamer

There are a few more versions of these brands that you could easily use. However, you will want to be very careful; this nozzle will not work for many other types of 3D printers.

What Else You Need to Know About Nozzles

No matter which nozzle you choose, the Mk8 or Mk10, there are a few essential pieces of information to keep in your back pocket. These will help you maintain your printer and keep it running smoothly.

When to Change Your Nozzle

The nozzle is the one piece that is a good heat conductor and controls the thread. It takes a lot of wear and tears, the more you print things.

You will want to change it for three months if you use your printer frequently. If you use it less, you can wait up to six months before changing the nozzle.

You know you need to change your nozzle frequently, but what does a nozzle do? Is it necessary to use a nozzle? Yes! This is one of the most significant pieces to create the object you desire. It is the final piece that creates the part you need. The item shoots out of the nozzle and is controlled by the arms of the 3D printer.

Replacing a Broken Nozzle

If your nozzle breaks, you can easily replace it, and there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure it is fitted correctly.

  • Heat the end; this will create a loose nozzle

  • Remove the nozzle with your tools because it will be too hot to touch

  • Add on the new nozzle with your tools

  • Then print

Suppose you have a nozzle that is not working correctly, even if it is new. You can easily clean it by heating it up the nozzle and taking a cleaning tool to get rid of any gunk that may be stuck in it.

Other Nozzle Options

Though we focus on two types, there are a few other industry favorites that can help you do an excellent job on the printing. They are identified as how wide they are and the materials they are made from.

  • Brass Nozzles- This has an exceptionally high heating rate, and it is used for many of the nozzles you will find on the market. They are perfect for creating things for a printer that uses high heat because it is a great thermal conductor, one of a nozzle’s sole purposes. The problem with this is that it is usually too abrasive for sensitive materials.  This means a brass nozzle will wear out incredibly fast, and not all materials will work for this piece.

  • Hardened Steel Nozzles- Though brass nozzles are cheap and some of the go-to choices, researchers found a less abrasive, budget-friendly material for nozzles. This led them to hardened steel nozzles. This is a long-lasting nozzle that is a great heat conductor but cannot get as hot as brass, is easy to make, and not ungodly expensive. However, if you are making something like jewelry and will be next to your skin, this piece contains lead. You will not want anything like plates that touch your food or jewelry to be made with this nozzle.

  • Stainless Steel Nozzles- Unlike the hardened steel, this does not contain lead. The best thing is using stainless steel nozzles for food ware, and the FDA has approved jewelry. It has a hardness that makes it last, but will not be too rough on the filament. This is a perfect choice for anyone who is creating products, but brass is always cheaper.

  • Nozzles Ruby- This is a brass nozzle but at the very tip is a bright red ruby. The appearance is somewhat striking and will add some flare to your 3D printer. This ruby provides the nozzle to stabilize in temperature, it is way more precise than any other nozzle, and it is more durable than any other option. The downside of this nozzle is that it is not always the cheapest.

No matter which you choose, they are all excellent choices. They have some advantages and drawbacks like everything else, and you will want to make sure the nozzle you pick is right for the project you’re doing. If you can afford a ruby tipped nozzle, that may be one of the best choices for a detailed outcome.

Best Material to Print With

There are so many excellent materials you can print with now! When 3D printing originated, you could print with only a few materials. It was inaccurate, not precise, and looked like blocky shapes.

Now with the crazy advancements in our technology, you have some fantastic options to choose from.

  • Plastics- Though this is not the most sustainable material to print with, it is the most user friendly. Most 3D printers can take certain plastics types, and they can create remarkable things out of the plastics.

  • Powders- A few 3D printers can take powders, mix it, and turn it into some incredible objects. They can use nylon and aluminide. There are also powdered steel and copper forms that are way easier to transport in this form and easy to manipulate in the 3D printer.

  • Resin- There are now many kinds of resins to choose from, allowing you to create unique objects in 3D printers. There are three main kinds you can choose from. The high-detailed resin is used for tiny objects that need immense detail, printable resins, which is great for something with a smooth surface, a transparent resin which is the strongest out of all three.

  • Metal- This has been used for several years and can create unbreakable and unbendable objects if you are looking to do so. You can do materials like bronze, gold, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, and nickel.

There are so many more materials you can now print from your nozzles and a 3D printer, but not all nozzles are created equally. You will have to make sure you choose the appropriate one for the job.

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