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After assembling the machine(Raptor, make sure the X gantry is parallel to the print bed. This is best checked with a digital level if available. You can watch this VIDEO ( Another important procedure is to ensure the X and Y axes move freely, and the eccentric nuts under the bed are adjusted so the bed does not wobble.
Ready?? Turn the machine on. The first thing to look for is that the BL TOUCH probe cycles. You will hear it click twice, pause then once more. This will verify that the sensor is plugged in and wiring has not come loose in shipping.
With the machine powered on, Auto Home the machine. During the first Z move, we suggest you touch the probe with your finger before it gets to the bed and ensure Z travel stops. This step verifies correct input wiring. After the machine stops, Auto Home again. With our firmware the Z home position is X72, Y50 to help with recovering larger prints in the event of failure.
If successful, congratulations! You plugged in everything correctly. Next, from the Custom Commands menu, select “UBL COMMISSION STEP 1.” The bed and nozzle will heat automatically, so hands off!
After STEP 1 finishes, the print head will park towards the front left corner. Run “UBL COMMISSION STEP 2.” NOTE!! Place a piece of paper under the nozzle before running STEP 2. It will move so follow it and keep the paper between the nozzle and bed. In case the Z Offset is too low, this can prevent damage tot he build surface. This step will be automatic. At the end of STEP 2, the nozzle will be at Z0 and the LCD will display “Set Z Offset.” Look at the LCD and verify that the nozzle and bed are at operating temperature (210 for PLA, 250 for ABS, etc) The system automatically sets a mid temperature at 225 for a balance between PLA, ABS, and PETG. The bed temperature will be 70-75.
Press and hold or Double Tap the knob on the LCD. This will bring up the Z Offset function. Using the paper from earlier or feeler gauge of approximately half your desired first layer height (0.2mm is .0078”/2=.003-.004), adjust your Z offset until you feel a slight drag. To make sure this is working correctly, rest one finger on one of the Z-Couplers and start to turn the LCD knob. You should feel the coupler turning (in small steps). If no movement is detected, run STEP 2 again. If Z is moving, move the paper back and forth while turning the knob (CCW for down, CW for up) until slight drag is felt between the paper and nozzle.
From the Custom Commands menu, select “Fill Mesh Points.” This will make sure any points that weren’t measured will be automatically filled in. Lastly, from the Control Menu, select “Store Settings.” This will save the Z Offset Value in the EEPROM
STARTING SCRIPT!!!! You MUST have a G29 after G28 in your starting script
Additional Notes:
Formbot Raptors come standard with TMC2208 on X and Y
Formbot T REX 2+ come optionally with TMC2208 on X1, X2 and Y
We have done extensive testing and determined that Stealth Chop 2 works fine on X but Y should be set to Spread Cycle mode. We have taken care of this for you but want you to be aware. If you have to change the driver in the future, contact us for additional information.
Filament Runout Sensor
If your machine is equipped with a filament sensor, it must be plugged in and filament must be inserted so it turns the light on.
AC Bed with Solid State Relay
If your machine is equipped with an AC bed heater with Solid State Relay, some assembly will be required. ALL necessary hardware and wiring is included. Please see pictures on the SD card for reference.