Raptor Laser Engraver

Raptor Laser Engraver


Raptor 2.0 adopts a powerful and stable TTL laser engraver, it has an independent power supply. Manual of Assembly 

First, please demount the extruder from carriage. 

Then take out below screw and install laser engraver onto carriage from back.  Connect TTL signal wire to printer.

Connect power supply cable. 

Put engraving material on print bed, so as to avoid damage PEI sheet.  

then choose "Laser On" by screen, 

Rotate the lens of laser to adjust focal point. The smaller focal point, the better engraving  performance. 

Finally, please revise the sliced file name from .nc to .gcode, then save it in SD card for printing. 

Note: Please wear protective glasses before laser engraving. Or else, it'll cause damage to eyes. The power of laser is quite high, so it's suggested to work within 2 hours. Or else, it may cause  damage to engraver. 

Manual of Software 

We recommend two kinds of laser engraving software. 

  1. Dragonfly (developed by FORMBOT) 

  1. Inkscape (we will provide relevant plugins) 

The Manual of Dragonfly 

It’s easy to use, but only supports Windows system. 

Image Engraving 

For example, you have a picture of Audrey Hepburn, its format is jpg/jpeg/png and so on, now you  shall transfer it to 24-bit bmp picture first.

Windows has photo editing function, you can transfer pictures as below: left click picture —> right click —> click “Edit” 

—> Choose “Save as BMP”  Then it’ll be saved as 24-bit bmp picture automatically. 

Then please open “Dragonfly.exe” and open above bmp picture in software.

Please open “Help” in menu, which is specific introduction for functions. 

You can click “Save code” to export engraving file. 

If you want to save picture, please click “Save bmp”, then it’ll be saved as 8-bit picture,  convenient for next carving.  

Characters Engraving 

Please input some words here. 

Then click “Font Setting” to choose font style and size as below:


Then set a certain value for speed and focus diameter. The lower speed, the deeper carving traces. Finally, click “Save code” or “Save bmp”. 

The Manual of Inkscape 

Please click https://inkscape.org/en/download/ to download software and complete installation. For example, my installation directory is D:\Program Files\Inkscape 

Then please copy 4 plugins(in the file of laserengraver) to below directory: D:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\ 

Now you can use Inkscape software formally.


Please open software —> File —> Document Properties, setting values as below. Then close above window, slide mouse when pushing down “Ctrl” button, so as to zoom view.  


Click below Icon to input characters.




Click below Icon —> click characters. 




Start to mirror. 


Click above two Icons in turn, then you can get below result.  



Please click Path —> Object to Path 

Then click Extensions —> Laserengraver —> laser 

You shall create folder first, for example, we create a folder named “LaserOutput” in Disk E . Then please type the path into Preferences —> Directory as below:



Please set a value for speed, then click “Apply”. After a while, the engraving file will be saved in LaserOutput.

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